National Council for Community and Education Partnerships needed a new updated website to profile and promote education partnerships across America. Working closely with their team we developed this site for Gear up professionals, such as teachers, to help disadvantaged students, and their families, access and succeed at higher education.
In a collaboration with Englin Consulting, we built this site for the National Council for Community and Education Partnerships (NCCEP). ÊThey are a US-based nonprofit organization that helps increase access to higher education for economically disadvantaged students. NCCEP knows that education is an important rule in social equity. So through advocacy training and research, NCCEP Êhelps students reach their goals in higher education. ÊThe site profiles students in video, provides resources, events, and even a map of college access programs. It also included tools and resources that provide educational opportunities for primarily Gear up professionals, such as teachers. The information it provides to these professionals is then shared with students and families all across America.

Link to website


  • Client: National Council for Community and Education Partnerships
  • Year: 2013
  • Category:

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